Online registration is open until midnight, Sunday, November 20th. After that date, we will only have onsite registration available at The Temple (5015 Harding Pike, Nashville) during the following times:

Monday, November 20 - Noon - 6:00pm

Tuesday, November 21 - Noon - 6:00pm

Wednesday, November 22 - 10:00am - 3:00 pm

The Bolt returns to in-person race packet/t-shirt pickup this year - no shipping of t-shirts available! The dates of pickup are the same as the above listed onsite registration. Anyone wishing to wait and pick up on race morning can do so between 6:30 - 8:00am at the registration tent at St. George’s parking lot. T-SHIRTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST 5,500 TO PICK UP THEIR PACKETS!

Registration Fees are Per Person and include a 2023 Race T-shirt:

Earlybird Rate - September 20 - November 15 - $40.00 (+ $5.00 for chip)

Race Week - November 16 - 22 - $50.00 (+ $5.00 for chip)

Race Day, November 23 - $60.00 (+ $5.00 for chip)